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ETTRAM will cost one billion dollars per state for government to install multiple cylinders into highways allowing energy to be produced for that state.

Taxes and Tesla will help fund the ETTRAM project.

A few similar products:


Wind Turbines

Energy Producing Speed Bumps

Solar Panels 


Like wind turbines and solar panels, ETTRAM serves the same purpose as an enviormentally friendly way to produce energy. ETTRAM is a cylinder that is placed into each lane of the highway, in multiple different spots, that spins when driven over and creates energy. About 220 million people drive each day. By placing ETTRAM into highways it allows excessive amounts of energy to be produced each day. By cars constantly passing over ETTRAM it causes the cylinders to continously spin which will create energy in a enviormentally and cost friendly way.


ETTRAM isnt for just highways it can be installed anywhere. It is available to purchace for homes, commercial businesses, small town roads, as well as in  large cities. 

ETTRAM for Driveways

The major benefits of ETTRAM are:


Saves money in the long run

Produces energy in a clean, enviornmentally friendly way

ETTRAM can be useful to you. By placing multiple cylinders in driveways, the power produced by cars entering and exiting goes towards powering the home. ETTRAM can also be installed into commercial business driveways.


To get your ETTRAM visit our Products page.

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